

Member Rights and Responsibilities

The Rights and Responsibilities of the members is being regulated through the Organizational Charter.

A Member of the Armenian Association of Social Workers has the right to:

  • Elect, and be elected to, the management bodies of the Association
  • Attend and participate in the meetings of other collegial management bodies of the Association
  • Acquaint oneself with the protocols of the Association’s bodies
  • Exercise other rights defined by the law or the Charter of the Association


A Member of the Association shall:

  • Fulfill the statutory requirements of the Association and the decisions of the governing bodies
  • Perform assigned duties in a responsible and upright manner
  • In case of violation of the Association’s charter or non-fulfillment of the duties assigned by the decision of management bodies, the President of the Association may reprimand, or otherwise apply disciplinary measures, to the member according to the procedure established by the council. In case of serious violations, membership to the Association may be revoked